Dashboard Software for Contact Centers & Teams

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image of call centre agent
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Agents Available
Calls In Queue
Total Calls Today

28 Call Analytics Tiles Available

Make the right decisions based on the data

Real Time Alerts & Analytics

Create custom alert levels so you are always in control.

Access Anywhere

Cloud based, Access via Phone, Tablet, Desktop, Raspberry Pi, Internet Enabled TV.

Actionable Insights

Expose your dark data and leverage business intelligence to start making informed decisions.

Hardware Ready

Connects to Plantronics headsets for an even deeper level of analytics. Mute Instances, Disconnects, Conversation Health. With API's to add your own hardware data.

Detailed Reporting

Automated PDF reporting, customizable datasets and historical insights. Scheduled to receive in your inbox.

Total Customization

Drag and Drop Tile placements, Alert levels, Agent Avatars & Dashboard themes.


Calls handled across all queues

Hundreds of Companies manage queues with

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12 Different views to begin your customization.

Existing Callboard customer?

View the list of new features in this release.