With the launch of Callboard 3, we have added lots of new features (some you can see and some under the hood). So many features in fact that we are excited to relaunch this product with a new name... AgentQ by eyeonit
We are trying our best to make your experience with AgentQ be smooth. One way to achieve that is to provide documentation and support. If you think that something is missing from the documentation, please do not hesitate to contact us to tell us about it.
Visit http://agentq.com.au/ and enter the credentials you received via email when your account was setup.
A separate login is required for each of the different views you would like to display at any given time. There is currently no limit to the number of different login credentials each account can have.
If you have multiple queues there are a range of Supervisor Views available that show multiple queues on the same screen or SuperQ Views that show an overall view of the multiple queues. Contact us if you would like to receive more account logins
The customisation for the AgentQ interface occurs in the Global Settings panel. To access the page click on the Settings Cog at the top left hand corner of the AgentQ interface.
Before you make any customisation please become familiar with the default view ( View 1). Each of the tiles or modules can be changed by hovering over the top right corner of the panel. The Setting Cogs will appear and show a list of available call centre metrics to choose.
The following customisation options are available in AgentQ:
AgentQ has 7 Single Queue views, 5 Supervisor and 7 SuperQ views to choose as your default display. These range from showing only call centre tiles, through to a display showing tiles, graphs and agent statistics. To change the current display, click on the Settings Cog at the top left hand corner of the AgentQ interface. An overlay will appear, this global settings panel is where all changes to the current queue can be made.
The following agent states are available from a BroadWorks connection in AgentQ:
The following phone states are available in AgentQ:
AgentQ now has pre-defined colour palettes to choose. The new default meets accessibility criteria and there is also classic palette from Callboard v2 New themes will be added in the coming months.
Each module can be assigned its own individual background colour and there is the ability to change all the modules by selecting "All Modules" from the "Select Module" dropdown.
Display tiles as full colour
Select this checkbox to extend the tile colour behind the entire tile
There is currently 8 options for Agent Avatars within AgentQ.
Please use the randomise checkbox if you wish to show random avatars for your agents, You can also click on the avatar to change the avatar from within the agent list.
Module Alerts
For each module it is possible to set up to three thresholds. A different alert colour can then be set for these thresholds and also the ability to animate the tile to make it more prominent on the display.
Agent Time on Call
Set Alert when an Agent has been on a call for a defined number of minutes
Call in Queue Alert
Set an Audible Alert when a call is added to the queue. Select the sound, enable and save. Option to play the sound only if there are no agents available
A news ticker style message can be added to the bottom of the screen from the Marquee settings section. Simply add your message, text colour, size and save changes
A reporting tool has been added to this release which allows the creation of custom reports. First select a report type and a date range, then click build report to view instantly or schedule a report to be sent to your inbox. To send to multiple email addresses use a semi-colon (;) without spaces between the addresses.
The X Modules Settings section allows for extra paramaters for Service level and Calls Abandoned. Settings the seconds for Calls Answered or Calls Abandoned can account for more accurate reporting based on variables such as recorded messages or welcome messages at the beginning of calls.
Each of the tiles or modules can be changed by hovering over the top right corner of the panel. The Setting Cogs will appear and show a list of available call centre metrics to choose.
Module Name | Module Description |
Aband. Calls Rate | Ratio between calls abandoned and total calls of current day |
Agents Available | Number of agents with current status of available / total number of agents (all status) (2/6) |
Agents Available X | Number of agents with current status of available / number of agents with current status of Unavailable or Available (2/9) |
Avg Aband. Seconds | Average abandoned seconds of past 12 hours |
Avg Agents Talking | Average agents on the phone of past 12 hours |
Avg Agents Staffed | Average agents staffed of past 12 hours |
Avg Wait Seconds | Average wait seconds of past 12 hours |
Blank Module | Adds a Blank tile if you want to show less data |
Calls Abandoned | Total amount of abandoned calls of current day |
Calls Abandoned X | Only includes calls that are abandoned after (X) seconds |
Calls Answered | Total amount of answered calls of current day |
Calls In Queue | Current calls in the queue waiting to be answered |
Calls Timeout | Total amount of calls that timed out of current day |
Calls Transferred | Total amount of transferred calls of current day |
Calls Queue Overflow | Total amount of calls that got tagged with queue overflow of current day |
Longest In Queue | Shows the longest call waiting in the queue until serviced |
Longest To Abandon | Time of longest call till abandoned of current day |
Longest To Answer | Time of longest call till answered of current day |
Service Level | Ratio between calls answered and total calls of current day |
Service Level X | Ratio between calls answered within (X) seconds and total calls of current day minus calls abandoned within (X) seconds |
Total Calls Today | Total amount of calls of current day |
Total Calls Yesterday | Total amount of calls from yesterday |
Mouse over the value points on the chart to show a list of category values for that point. Mouse over the category name in the legend to highlight that category on the chart. Left click on the category name in the legend to remove or add back that category to the chart.
Drag and Drop between Columns Available and Columns Selected to add or remove Agent Table Columns. Order Selected Columns by dragging the column name to the position required.
Shows the state of the Live Update service when an AgentQ is active. Please take note of this state if you make a support request.
Allows the AgentQ user to set a new login password without the need to contact Eyeonit. Password requires a minimum of 8 characters, 1 number, 1 capital letter.